Thank you for visiting. Please take your time and enjoy ( ^^) _旦~~
Currently, “cat memes” are skyrocketing in popularity in Japan. Cat memes are videos uniquely edited with comments and captions, using funny and cute photos and videos of cats as material.
This time, we are introducing popular cat meme videos in Japan ( =^・^=)♪
Please note that no specific keywords or personas have been set for this [YouTube Compilation] article.
Most Viewed Cat Meme Shorts

I will be introducing the most viewed cat meme videos one after another ( =^・^=) ⇩
Title: “Does Anyone Know Them All? Dancing Cat Meme Compilation! Meme!”
Title: “I’m New Here. #CatMeme”
Title: “2024 Latest Cat Meme Ultimate Ranking #Short”
Title: “How Addicted Are You to Cat Memes? It’s Amazing If You Can Get All the Answers Right!!”
Title: “Cat Memes”
Title: “[Dating Apps] First Date Situations #CatMeme”
Title: “Real Financial Situation on a Monthly Income of 200,000 Yen.”
Title: Dancing Funeral Coffin Meme – CATS VERSION

It’s a surreal video where a cat just munches on things, changing the situation. It’s getting crazy views in Japan (‘;’)
Title: 21 Pop Cat sound variations in 60 seconds

⇩For those who want to create funny cat meme videos, here are some raw materials for you ( ^^) _U~~
Title: “[Cat Meme Material Collection① 40 Selections] (Cat Meme Green Screen)”
Summary: Creating drama with “cat memes” seems to be unique to Japan.
Editing cats to make them funny and entertaining is truly a creative idea! I believe cat meme videos are being shared worldwide, but creating narrative-driven videos with ‘cat memes’ might be unique to Japan.
I feel like humming ‘Happy, Happy, Happy♪’ now! (=^・^=)
⇩ Here is the Japanese version of this article. Please feel free to use it as a reference for learning Japanese (^^♪⇩